Positivity in Slack Emojis

December 26, 2024

Last year was a challenging one for me. By the end of 2023, I noticed my default Slack emojis reflected a pattern of negativity. I decided it was time to change—on Slack and in life. This set the stage for what became Positivity in Slack Emojis.

This began what I now call my journey of "Positivity in Slack Emojis." It started as a simple, symbolic shift—I swapped out my default emojis for lighter, more cheerful ones. I set up a reminder to keep myself responsible for this change. 

So, I began taking screenshots of my Slack reactions every few months. These snapshots became my visual journal—proof of my effort to rewire my thinking.


A lot has happened in 2024, and I feel like I’m different now. Did this simple act make a difference? I can tell it did, and I’m glad I stuck with it.